The authority to pardon (grant clemency) someone for a crime under state law belongs to the governor. In most states, a pardon restores rights taken away after following a criminal conviction - usually for a felony (e.g., right to vote, hold public office, own a gun). In Illinois, we are fortunate in that the right to vote is automatically reinstated after one is released from prison (no prison sentence, voting rights are never suspended). A pardon is an act of forgiveness, public recognition that someone is fully rehabilitated.
Read MoreRecently, I wrote about several Chance Second bills that were making their way through the Illinois General Assembly. These bills would benefit people who have a criminal background. One bill would keep someone from getting a criminal record (decriminalizing marijuana). This post summarizes the remaining noteworthy bills awaiting Governor Rauner’s signature.
Read MoreAfter several failed lobbying attempts, the Illinois Legislature finally agreed to amend the Criminal Identification Act to extend the right to seal to individuals with minor violent (misdemeanor) offenses such as simple battery, assault, and reckless conduct. On August 19, 2014, Governor signed this legislation into law. The law will go into effect starting January 1, 2015.
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