Think Twice Before Paying an Out-of-State Attorney to Expunge or Seal Your IL Criminal Record
Why would anyone hire an out-of-state attorney to expunge or seal their criminal record? In recent years, a number of out-of-state businesses have sprung up offering bargain rate expungement/sealing services.
When someone hires an out-of-state practitioner/entity instead of a local attorney, there’s no guarantee that outsider will be familiar with the local practices of the court who’ll rule on the petition.
Any Illinois attorney who regularly practices in this area knows all too well that from one court district to the next (in Cook County) or from one county to the next, the state’s expungement/sealing law is not interpreted or applied the same way from one judge to the next.
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Have a Criminal Record and Want to Travel Outside the U.S.? Read This Article Before Making any Travel Arrangements
Having a criminal record can impact your ability to travel internationally. Certain countries may refuse entry to individuals with criminal convictions. Understanding the entry rules of the country you plan to visit is crucial to avoid any travel disruptions. Seek legal advice or information before making any international travel arrangements if you have a criminal background.
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Are DCFS “Indicated” Child Neglect Findings Crimes of Moral Turpitude? Probably Not.
Few people obtain legal representation when investigated by DCFS. Many parents probably don’t know that DCFS can remove children from their parents’ custody and impose conditions that must be met before the family is reunited. DCFS is the state agency responsible for investigating non-criminal allegations of child abuse and neglect. DCFS need only find credible evidence of abuse or neglect, a significantly lower burden of proof than required to find someone guilty of a crime. Because DCFS investigations lack the due process guarantees afforded to criminal defendants, it is unlikely that immigration authorities would conclude that an indicated finding of abuse/neglect is a CMT
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Clemency Rulings Take a Backseat in Illinois. What Did You Expect? It’s a Big Election Year
execute clemency Illinois - As we approach the mid-year, it’s doubtful that 2024 will be a banner year for clemency rulings in Illinois. Five months in, Governor J.B. Pritzker has yet to grant a single clemency (pardon or sentence commutation) petition but has denied 243.
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Gov. Pritzker Grants Few Clemency Petitions in 2023 (Leaving Many Hopeful Petitioners Still Waiting)
Last year there wasn’t much to cheer about if you were waiting on a clemency decision in Illinois.
In 2023, Gov. Pritzker ruled on 563 petitions – the vast majority of those were filed by people in prison seeking a sentence commutation. Only 44 of those petitions were granted: 29 pardons[1] and 15 sentence commutations for an overall grant rate of 7.8%.
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Expunging or Sealing a Criminal Record in Illinois Not a Slam Dunk When Local Prosecutors Object
Ever since the Illinois sealing law was amended in 2017 -- extending relief to those who could not remove their criminal record unless they were pardoned. Petitioners, due to where they were arrested, will face different odds in getting their records expunged or sealed.
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